Certified Pre-Owned Vehicles for Sale in Eldon, MO

At Lloyd Belt Automotive, we’re not just another used car dealership. We’re a cornerstone of the Eldon / Lake of the Ozarks community, offering a vast inventory of reliable, high quality pre-owned cars, trucks, SUVs and RVs for sale, in addition to a full service department to help make it easy for drivers to maintain the upkeep of their vehicles.

Independent, Family-Owned Car Dealership

As an independent, family owned dealership with an owner who has been in the car dealership business since 1984, we employ a knowledgeable staff who treats every customer like family. When you visit Lloyd Belt Automotive to browse our inventory or come in for a service appointment, you’ll always be greeted with a friendly smile and receive the best customer service around.

Our Inventory of Vehicles

At our dealership, you’ll find cars, SUVs, trucks, vans and RVs plus a collection of models to fit what you’re looking for. From Cadillacs to Fords, we’re sure to match you with a vehicle you’re going to want to drive off the lot. You can always check out our inventory online or use our Vehicle Finder to let us help you find your dream car.

Our Services

In addition to our inventory of used vehicles for sale, we also have a service department that can address many aspects of car maintenance, from tire repair to suspension evaluation. You can even easily schedule an appointment online at your convenience.

Our Story – A Note From Owner Lloyd

I remember my wife and I going to the bank and taking out a substantial loan in 1984 to purchase stock in a small franchise dealership in Eldon, Missouri and I wish I could say the rest is history. As I reflect on my business, there were a lot of ups and downs, but mostly ups. It seems like yesterday I owned two successful franchised dealerships- Lloyd Belt GM Center and Lloyd Belt Chrysler. With any business you would have good years, not so good years, and then occasionally a bad year. Well, in 2009 it was a bad year with the downturn of the economy and GM and Chrysler filing for bankruptcy. The hardest part was telling my employees they no longer had jobs. Our small community was hit very badly and prior to closing, a large factory in town closed and moved to Mexico. Eldon was hurting. Enough with the downs!

I reopened 30 days later as an independent car dealer with no new cars on the lot, no jewelry hanging on the building (car logos), no fancy advertising, and signage. Lloyd Belt Automotive is a family owned business that employees 25 great people. We no longer answer to the big automobile companies and we also don’t answer to a board of directors. This business is not about cars; it’s not about car repairs. Our business is about people – it’s about serving people and our community. It’s a great feeling all the way around. You’re doing something you love and giving back. What could be better?

– Lloyd

Visit Lloyd Belt Automotive for Used Cars in Eldon, MO

If you’re in the Eldon or Lake of the Ozarks area and on the market for a used vehicle or car service, we hope you stop by Lloyd Belt Automotive. We’re here to help you find your dream car at an affordable price and get you back on the road!